Saturday, December 28, 2019

20 Health Care Essay Topics That Will Be A Wake-Up Call for Everyone

A Wake-Up Call for Everyone Scientific advancements and easy access to information have allowed people to actively research how to take care of their health. Every day, people turn to the web to seek out some useful information. They can easily read about healthy diet ideas and practical exercise routines that will help them live a better life. Everyone also has the ability to contribute to a community that shares information on health care topics. When you study a topic and share that research with the world, youre adding to an active dialogue on health care. This helps make it easier for everyone to discover modern ways to care for their health. If you want to choose one of the health care essay topics that would be useful for your readers, there are many interesting issues to choose among. Here are 20 possible health care topics that will appeal to both academic and casual researchers looking to find out more about ways to take care of their health. Exploring the Relationship Between Health, Nutrition and Economics How to Be Secure and Healthy While Aging Under the Affordable Care Act The Effects of Health Resource Planning on Health Care Delivery The Ergonomics of Modern Work: Protecting Your Health in the Office How Regular Physical Activity Saves on Health Care Costs School Nutrition Policies, Stress Management and Tackling Childhood Obesity Nutrition and Mindfulness: Managing Health by Listening to Your Bodys Needs Regulating Fast Food Consumption: Diet Education and Nutrition Plans Dietary Supplements and Health: Analysis of Costs, Benefits and Risks High School Athletes and Effects of Dietary Supplements on Health Nutrition and Choice: Health Plans, Self-Control and Outcomes Combating Geriatric Depression: Preventive Healthcare Strategies Links Between Nutrition, Diet and Memory: Food and Brain Function Social Epidemiology and Re-Structuring the American Healthcare System Determinants of Obesity and Preventive Strategies in Rural Communities Effects of Childhood Lead Exposure on Adult Healthcare Systems Global Strategies Addressing Maternal Mortality Rates Baby Boomers and Cognitive Health: Preventive Measures for Brain Health in an Aging Population Healthcare Providers and the Physical Effects of Bullying: How Health Clinics Address Bullying as a Health Problem Do Superfoods Work? Analyzing Their Effects on Personal Health All the research topics above can be modified to fit both small essay assignments and larger thesis papers by making them either more general or more specific. For instance, you could look at the particular health effects in your community or region, or choose to look at the global data on the topic. This extensive list of popular health care topics is meant to guide you in your topic and essay generation. If you find any of these issues interesting, you can adjust them to fit your own personal or academic research needs. If you are a student, consider arranging a meeting with your teacher or thesis adviser beforehand to make any necessary specifications on your topic of choice to fit your needs. If you dont have any sort of topic constraints, you can find out even more interesting things that will inspire you while researching the topics above.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Holmes Americas First Serial Killer - 1139 Words

According Florida Gulf Coast University Serial Killer Database, there has been 2,625 serial killers so far in the United States, the most of any country in the world. However, this trend all started out with H.H. Holmes: America’s first serial killer. H.H. Holmes was born in New Hampshire as Herman Webster Mudgett in 1861. He was extremely bright in school and excelled beyond the other kids in his class. Because of this, he was bullied a lot by his jealous schoolmates. One incident stands out among all others, which was when Mudgett was dragged into the town doctor’s office and forced to confront a skeleton which he had previously found revolting. Despite the bully’s intentions, this cured Mudgett of his fear of skeletons, and made him more curious about the study of the human body and medicine, which piloted the rest of his career. Mudgett studied at the University of Michigan, where he finished college and medical school. Mudgett then moved to Chicago and chang ed his name to Henry Howard Holmes (H.H. Holmes) in 1886, where his torturous fantasies all began. Although this criminal mastermind only made one small mistake to make investigators red hot on his trail, H.H. Holmes should’ve been caught sooner because of his suspicious activities including the building of his castle and being involved in scams at the same time numerous people he was affiliated with went missing while selling copious amounts of skeletons shortly after they went missing. When Holmes moved toShow MoreRelatedDr. H. H. Holmes: Americas First Serial Killer Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pagesinspiration to sing – I was born with the Evil One standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered in the world, and he has been with me since† (Troy, Taylor). This statement was a quoted confession from Dr. H. H. Holmes himself in 1896. Holmes was the first major serial killer in America, even though he came after many others in his time. Thomas Neil Cream , the Austin Axe Murderer, the Bloody Benders, and Jack the Ripper came before him. His name was originally Herman Webster Mudgett. He wasRead MoreAmerica s First Serial Killer1347 Words   |  6 PagesH.H. Holmes, born in 1861 as Herman Webster Mudgett, was an extremely notable con man, fraud and murderer. More popularly known as America’s first serial killer, Holmes had a vast and varying criminal record. For instance, his criminal record ranged from forging checks and life insurance claims, to killing off entire families in his â€Å"murder† hotel. The one most identifiable pattern to his offenses resides in his economic struggle. As seen in a documentary directed by John Borowski, most of the individualsRead MoreSerial Killers: H. H. Holmes Essay2491 Words   |  10 Pagesnightmares, both fascinating and terrifying. Serial killers hide behind bland and normal existences. They are often able to escape being caught for years, decades and sometimes an eternity. Thes e are America’s Serial Killers (America’s Serial Killers). â€Å"Even when some of them do get caught, we may not recognize what they are because they don’t [sic] match the distorted image we have of serial killers† (Brown). What is that distorted image? That killers live among everyday life, they are the ones whoRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Devil Of The White City : Murder, Magic, And Madness At The Fair2200 Words   |  9 PagesThe textbook definition of a serial killer is someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in less than a month (â€Å"Serial† 1). H.H. Holmes was a devious and handsome young man. He was a very dangerous person that could not be trusted. On the other hand, the textbook definition of an architect is a person who designs buildings and in many cases helps supervise those projects. One of America’s greatest architects in history was Daniel Hudson Burnham. He led America to do great things inRead Mor eIs America s First Serial Killer Essay908 Words   |  4 PagesConsidered America’s first serial killer, H.H. Holmes demised a plan like no other to torture and kill woman in the early 1890’s in Chicago, Illinois (H.H. Holmes, 2004). Masquerading as a charismatic prominent businessman, and caring doctor, H.H. Holmes was a true monster (H.H. Holmes, 2004). Known later as the â€Å"torture doctor† or the â€Å"monster of 63rd street†, he methodically planned, attacked, and controlled his victims till the very end (H.H. Holmes, 2004). Born Herman Webster Mudgett on MayRead MoreAnalysis Of Erik Larson s The Devil 1250 Words   |  5 Pagesthe evolution of a serial killer. In doing so, Larson is able to explore the details of the fair in-depth, while keeping the interest of the reader. By using this organizational structure, Larson is also able to tell the gruesome tale of a serial killer without scaring away his audience. Overall, the pairing of these two stories helps to balance out the novel. Throughout parts I and II of the novel, Larson switches between the plotline of Burnham and the plotline of Holmes. The 1893 ChicagoRead MoreIn The Devil In The White City, Erik Larson Tells The Story1063 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson tells the story of two men, an architect and a serial killer, operating in Chicago during the 1890’s This novel describes the years surrounding the building of the 1893 Chicago World s Fair, also known as The World s Columbian Exposition, which was designed to commemorate the landing of Columbus in America. It is divided into four parts with the first three primarily taking place in Chicago between the years 1890-1893. However, Part four of the novelRead MoreThe City Of Chicago, A New City Block And Towering Three Stories Above Englewood1472 Words   |  6 PagesH.H. Holmes, who was formally known as Herman Webster Mudgett came to the city of Chicago. Throughout his lifetime Holmes had several other aliases that he used to elude numerous creditors and former acquaintances he feared would step forward with accusations of fraud, poisoning and murder, so deciding he would change his identity now going by Henry Howard Holmes. But, to the rest of the world he would forever become H.H. Holmes, torcher doctor, monster of 63rd street, America’s first serial killerRead MorePsychology of Serial Killers1430 Words   |  6 PagesWe serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow. Theodore Robert Bundy In the past decade, Americans and researchers have given more and more of their attention to serial killers. The United States alone has contributed about 85% of the worlds serial killers. It has been said that they come in many different forms. Society has many words for serial killers. Holmes and DeBurger define serial murders as consistingRead MoreEssay On The Devil In The White City883 Words   |  4 Pagesfair together. He dealt with economic struggles, union strikes, as well as injuries and death during construction. Along with Burnham, H.H. Holmes has come into to the spotlight during the fair’s days of service. However, he brought the fear to travelers and the locals, as well as the entire country. H.H. Holmes is well known for being America’s first serial killer whose main targets were females, and his motives lay sprawled across a particular margin varying from one crime to another. As Chauncey Depew

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Finger Print Recognition and Image Enhancement Using Matlab free essay sample

Instrumentation Engineering by the BPUT, ODISHA during the academic year 2011 – 2012. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been incorporated in the report. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of project work prescribed for the above degree. Project Incharge Head of Department   Ã¢â‚¬Å"He who receives a benefit should never forget it† Behind every success there lies a master hand which creates concentration, dedication, encouragement, enthusiasm and ecstasy. Low quality fingerprint image, distortion, the partial image problems, large fingerprint databases are all major areas of research needed to improve the accuracy of current systems. 1. 2 What is a fingerprint? Fingerprints are the patterns formed on the epidermis of the fingertip. The fingerprints are of three types: arch, loop and whorl. The fingerprint is composed of ridges and valleys. The interleaved pattern of ridges and valleys are the most evident structural characteristic of a fingerprint. There are three main fingerprint features a) Global Ridge Pattern ) Local Ridge Detail [pic] Fig 1. 1 Fingerprint Image c) Intra Ridge Detail Global ridge detail: There are two types of ridge flows: the pseudo-parallel ridge flows and high-curvature ridge flows which are located around the core point and/or delta point(s). This representation relies on the ridge structure, global landmarks and ridge pattern characteristics. The commonly used global fingerprint features are: i)Singular points – They are discontinuities in the orientation field. There are two types of singular points- core and delta. A core is the uppermost of a curving ridge, and a delta point is the point where three ridge flows meet. They are used for fingerprint registration and classification. ii )Ridge orientation map – They are local direction of the ridge-valley structure. It is helpful in classification, image enhancement, feature verification and filtering. iii)Ridge frequency map – They are the reciprocal of the ridge distance in the direction perpendicular to local ridge orientation. It is used for filtering of fingerprint images. Local Ridge Detail:- This is the most widely used and studied fingerprint representation. Local ridge details are the discontinuities of local ridge structure referred to as minutiae. They are used by forensic experts to match two fingerprints. There are about 150 different types of minutiae. Among these minutiae types, ridge ending and ridge bifurcation are the most commonly used as all the other types of minutiae are combinations of ridge endings and ridge bifurcations. (a)(b) (c) (d) (e)(f) Fig 1. 2 Types of minutiae The minutiae are relatively stable and robust to contrast, image resolutions, and global distortion when compared to other representations. Although most of the automatic fingerprint recognition systems are designed to use minutiae as their fingerprint representations, the location information and the direction of a minutia point alone are not sufficient for achieving high performance. Minutiae-derived secondary features are used as the relative distance and radial angle are invariant with respect to the rotation and translation of the fingerprint. Intra Ridge Detail On every ridge of the finger epidermis, there are many tiny sweat pores and other permanent details. Pores are distinctive in terms of their number, position, and shape. However, extracting pores is feasible only in high-resolution fingerprint images and with very high image quality. Thus the cost is very high. Therefore, this kind of representation is not adopted by currentautomatic fingerprint identification systems (AFIS). 1. 3 Fingerprint recognition Fingerprint recognition is one of the popular biometric techniques. It refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two fingerprint images. It is mainly used in the identification of a person and in criminal investigations. It is formed by the ridge pattern of the finger. Discontinuities in the ridge pattern are used for identification. These discontinuities are known as minutiae. For minutiae extraction type, orientation and location of minutiae are extracted. Two features of minutiae are used for identification: termination and bifurcation. [pic] (a) Ridge ending (b) Bifurcation Fig 1. 3 Types of local ridge features [pic] Figure 1. 4(a) two important minutia (b) Other minutiae features Finger print recognition includes two sub-domains: one is fingerprint verification and the other is fingerprint identification. In addition, different from the manual approach for fingerprint recognition by experts, the fingerprint recognition here is referred as AFRS (Automatic Fingerprint Recognition System), which is program-based. [pic] Figure 1. 5 Verification vs. Identification However, in all fingerprint recognition problems, either verification(one to one matching) or identification(one to many matching), the underlining principles of well-defined representation of a fingerprint and matching remains the same. The advantages of fingerprint recognition system are (a) They are highly universal as majority of the population have legible fingerprints. b) They are very reliable as no two people (even twins) have same fingerprint. (c) Fingerprints are formed in the fetal stage and remain structurally unchanged throughout life. (d) It is one of the most accurate forms of biometrics available. (e) Fingerprint acquisition is non intrusive and hence is a good option . 1. 4 Approach There are three approaches for fingerprint recognition. They are image based approach, texture based approach and minutiae based approach. In image based matching, the image itself is used as the template. It requires only low resolution images. Matching is done by optical correlation and is extremely fast. It is based on the global features of a whole fingerprint image. However it requires accurate alignment of the fingerprint samples and is not favorable for changes in scale, orientation and position. The second is the texture based approach. It uses texture information for matching and performs well with poor quality prints. However like image based matching it requires accurate alignment of the two prints and not invariant to translation, orientation and non-linear distortion. Minutiae-based approach is the last approach. Here the ridge features called minutiae are extracted and stored in a template for matching. It is invariant to translation, rotation and scale changes. It is however error prone in low quality images. The minutiae based approach is applied. Usually before minutiae extraction, image preprocessing is performed. In our project we have focused mainly on the preprocessing and extraction stage. Fingerprint enhancements techniques are used to reduce the noise and improve the clarity of ridges against valleys. The image preprocessing consists of the following stages. They are field orientation, ridge frequency estimation, image segmentation and image enhancement thinning. It is followed by a minutiae extraction algorithm which extracts the main minutiae features required for matching of two samples.   Image Acquisition Image acquisition is the first step in the approach. It is very important as the quality of the fingerprint image must be good and free from any noise. A good fingerprint image is desirable for better performance of the fingerprint algorithms. Based on the mode of acquisition, a fingerprint image may be classified as off-line or live-scan. An off-line image is typically obtained by smearing ink on the fingertip and creating an inked impression of the fingertip on paper. A live-scan image, on the other hand, is acquired by sensing the tip of the finger directly, using a sensor that is capable of digitizing the fingerprint on contact. Live-scan is done using sensors. There are three basic types of sensors used. They are:- Optical sensors Optical sensors use arrays of photodiode or phototransistor detectors to convert the energy in light incident on the detector into electrical charge. The sensor package usually includes a light-emitting-diode (LED) to illuminate the finger. There are two detector types used by optical sensors, charge-coupled-devices (CCD) and CMOS based optical imagers. CCD detectors are sensitive to low light levels and are capable of making excellent grayscale pictures. However, CCD fabrication is relatively expensive and neither low-light sensitivity or grayscale imaging are required for fingerprint recognition. CMOS optical imagers are manufactured in quantity and can be made with some of the image processing steps built into the chip resulting in a lower cost. Optical sensors for fingerprints may be affected by a number of real world factors such as stray light and surface contamination, possibly even a fingerprint impression left by a prior user. Common contaminates that deteriorate image quality include oil and dirt, scratches on the sensor surface, and condensation or ice. Some suppliers have tried to sidestep the contamination problem by directly taking a 3D image from the surface of a finger. 3D imaging technology is more hygienic but introduces a whole new set of problems and was not included in this study. Impostor prints are more of a problem for optical sensors than it is for other detectors because it is relatively easy to present the scanner with a convincing picture of a fingerprint. Suppliers have come up with several techniques to validate a live finger. For example optical sensors can be enhanced and made more resistant to deception with Electro-Optical imaging. This works by placing a voltage across a light-emitting polymer film. When a finger is presented, the ridges provide a ground to the polymer surface creating a small current that generating light. The fingerprint valleys remain dark so a high contrast image is produced. The polymer is directly coupled to an optical detector. Figure 2. 1 Fingerprint scanning using optical sensor Optical sensors capture a digital image of the fingerprint. The light reflected from the fingerpasses through a phosphor layer to an array of pixels which captures a visual image of the fingerprint. Ultrasonic sensors use very high frequency sound waves to penetrate the epidermal layer of skin. The sound waves are generated using piezoelectric transducers. The reflected wave measurements can be used to form an image of the fingerprint.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dietary Behaviours and Academic Achievement †

Question: Discuss about the Dietary Behaviours and Academic Achievement. Answer: Introduction: Breakfast is an important meal, which energizes people for doing the basic tasks in an efficient and effective manner (O'Neil et al., 2014). Herein lays the appropriateness of the saying, Have breakfast like a king. The quotation aligns with the traditional conventions related to the importance of having breakfast (Clayton James, 2016). In case of children also, this quotation holds equal importance. It is the parents duty to ensure that the children have proper breakfast before going to the schools. However, sleeping for more hours and getting up late are the grounds, which compel the children to skip the most important meal of the day (Burrows et al, 2017). However, it is seen that some of the children, while going to school, grab an apple or a sandwich to eat on the way (O'Donovan, Berman Wierenga, 2015). This shatters the concept of having breakfast with the family members. However, in the 21st century, most of the parents are working, which deprives the children of nutritious breakfast. It is at this stage, the schools need to take strong and flexible responsibility regarding the nourishment of the children (Turner Wilks, 2016). Inability of the parents to provide proper nutrition to the children necessitates the schools to take this responsibility. As it is an issue of the development of the children, oriental approach possesses flexibility to yield positive results. Development of a framework for progressing towards the introduction of Breakfast Programs in schools would help the authorities to ensuring the wellbeing and proper development of the children during developmental stages itself. The Australian Government has undertaken many initiatives to fill the nutrition gap in the life of the children (Testa, 2014). One such initiative is the School Breakfast Program. A group of students coming to schools with no breakfasts alarmed the government officials regarding the nourishment of the children (Nepper Chai, 2015). The result of this was the introduction of School Breakfast Program (Harvey et al., 2015). The purpose of the program was to ensure that each and every child have an equal access to nutritious breakfast every day (Turner Wilks, 2016). The schools registered under this program are supplied with quality canned fruit juice, wheat biscuits, oats, vegemite, spaghetti, canned baked beans and milk, which is heated at 135 degree Celsius and 275 degree Fahrenheit (O'Neil et al., 2014). Along with this, the schools also get supplies of bread, fresh fruits, vegetables and yoghurt (O'Neil et al., 2014). These programs have uplifted the status of the below poverty level children (Varela et al., 2014). Uses of School Breakfast Program In order to ensure the wellbeing of the community children, Sunset school at Mount Isa in north-west of Queensland has launched a nutrition program (Testa, 2014). The main objective of this program was to increase the attendance level among the students. 13% escalation in the attendance of the students reflects the fulfillment of the specified objective (Testa, 2014). Achieving this objective within a short span of 2 years includes the conscious approach of the school authorities towards the development of the community children (Testa, 2014). Tea is one of the main items in the breakfast menu, which is prepared for the students (Testa, 2014). The students can enjoy healthy breakfast, which is devoid of any charges (Testa, 2014). The ways and means adopted by the school authorities reflect community service to the all the adults and children within a low socio-economic background, irrespective of their caste, creed, color and religion (Testa, 2014). This kind of framework projects an affirmative answer to the proposed statement. Decrease in the rates of diseases and absentees have improved the academic performance of the children, this is due to the escalation in the grade levels (Harvey et al., 2015). According to the statistical data, one in seven Australian children goes to school without having breakfast. The responses provided by 16,100 children compelled the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) personnel to make this statement (O'Neil et al., 2014). In view of this survey report, the affirmation regarding the proposed statement attains utmost importance. 15.2% of the samples do not have breakfast, which has adversely affected the academic performance (O'Neil et al., 2014). In view of this condition, development of a strong and flexible framework for introducing breakfast schemes might bring noticeable improvements in the academics for the students. Oriental approach towards the development of this framework would help the school authorities to achieve positive outcomes. For this, financial stock needs to be speculated, which would result in the introduction of the healthy and nutritious schemes for the children. Countering this, consideration of the statistics regarding the children skipping breakfast attains a crucial position. Counter arguing this, surveying the parents about their preferences for the breakfast items. The survey published by ABS can serve as an example for the school authorities (Testa, 2014). Along with this, the school authorities need to consider the dietary capacities of the children and its impact on their health (Testa, 2014). According to the report published by the South Australian government officials, an egg and bacon muffin has 1500 kilojoules (kJ) (Testa, 2014). Therefore, if the primary school students are provided with egg and bacon muffin in their breakfast, they would be energized and can concentrate on their studies. One or two serving of the egg and bacon muffin is alright for the students. Regular serving would make the children obese, acting as an obstacle in their academic establishment (Clayton James, 2016). On the contrary, if the children are served with a bowl of cornflakes with milk and top it with chopped fruit pieces, it has enough calories, which would provide energy to the children and increase their concentration levels (O'Neil et al., 2014) The importance of developmental issue, in case of the children reflects the need for experimenting with different kinds of breakfast options for the children. However, it needs to be ensured that the quality of the meal remains intact. Otherwise, the children would get the meal, but not the nutrients needed for their development. Lack of consciousness in this direction would push the future of the children into dark, questioning the role of the schools and parents in terms of ensuring the wellbeing of the children (O'Donovan, Berman Wierenga, 2015). Viewing it from the other perspective, conscious and rational approach towards the development of framework aligns with the setting approach, which would help the school authorities to lead the students towards a proper development, care and nourishment (Nepper Chai, 2015). References Burrows, T., Goldman, S., Olson, R. K., Byrne, B., Coventry, W. L. (2017). Associations between selected dietary behaviours and academic achievement: A study of Australian school aged children.Appetite,116, 372-380. Clayton, D. J., James, L. J. (2016). The effect of breakfast on appetite regulation, energy balance and exercise performance.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society,75(3), 319-327. Harvey-Golding, L., Donkin, L. M., Blackledge, J., Defeyter, M. A. (2015). Universal free school breakfast: a qualitative model for breakfast behaviors.Frontiers in public health,3. Nepper, M. J., Chai, W. (2015). Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Dietary Patterns of Preadolescents Attending Schools in the Midwest.Journal of Child Nutrition Management,39(2), n2. O'Donovan, R., Berman, N., Wierenga, A. (2015). How schools can move beyond exclusion.International Journal of Inclusive Education,19(6), 645-658. O'Neil, C. E., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Hayes, D., Jana, L., Klinger, S. E., Stephenson-Martin, S. (2014). The role of breakfast in health: definition and criteria for a quality breakfast.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,114(12), S8-S26. Testa, D. (2014). What do primary students say about school-based social work programmes?.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,27(4), 490-508. Turner, A., Wilks, J. (2016). A place for food in Australian schools: a socio-historical review of food education.International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-14. Varela, P., Antnez, L., Cadena, R. S., Gimnez, A., Ares, G. (2014). Attentional capture and importance of package attributes for consumers' perceived similarities and differences among products: A case study with breakfast cereal packages.Food research international,64, 701-710.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Investment Management in Modern Business

Introduction Investors are always very cautious with their money as they always want to invest in the company that has the least number of risks as well as the highest profits. Investors are interested in the company that is well managed as can enable them recover continuous income on their invested capital.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Investment Management in Modern Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As noted by Ramaswamy (2004, 241), investors are rational in their choices of investments as they always make rational decisions regarding investments that yield maximum income. Most investors are safe investors as they always invest in ventures that they are likely to reap income on top of what they invested rather than investments in which they are likely to make losses. This study will seek to investigate the investment ventures undertaken by individual consumers and the decisions made by investors. Objectives of the Study As noted above, this study will seek to establish the decisions made by consumers in terms of investments in various assets including securities and other financial assets. Specifically, the study will seek to: Find out the type of investment decisions of investment in various investment ventures at their disposal. To establish the role of the financial services authority and the independent financial advisors regarding the investment decisions made by investors. To establish the role of the retail distribution review and the personal financial society in determining the financial decisions made by consumers regarding investment of their funds. Research Questions Investors always make rational decisions regarding the goods they purchase. Similarly, investors make rational decision regarding the assets they purchase with the expectation of making the highest returns. This paper will seek to answer these questions regarding the investment decisions made by c onsumers using their funds. What type of investment decision do consumers make regarding their funds and capital? What is the role of the financial services authority and the independent financial advisors regarding the decisions made by investors? Do the retail distribution review and the personal finance society have some significance regarding the choices of investment made by consumers? Review of Literature Investors are very cautious in their investors and they always like to invest in companies that perform well in terms of profitability. High profit for an organization means that investors would have an increased return on their investments. As noted by George and Frankfurter (2003, 63), most investors always monitor the financial performance of firms that they are interested n before making any move. Some of the most important aspects of the financial records of an organization include the profit earned by the company, the stock [rice of the firm, the return on capital inv ested, the return on the company’s assets as well as the dividends share for investors.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to realize improved and brilliant financial performance, an organization needs to be well organized and endowed with good strategic leadership that can steer it to growth and development. Independent Financial Advisors However, not all companies have all these qualities and in fact some investors are unable to keep track of the performance of the firm for a continued period. They therefore rely on some of financial advisors that help them make the right investment that would capitalize on their invested capital. Financial advisors are comprised of teams knowledgeable in the field of financial investment and financial accounting and they keep track of the financial performance of all companies (Sinha 2003, p. 211). They rely on their recor ds in advising their customers on the best investments especially after examining the financial performance of the firms. In some cases, consumers entrust them with managing their investments with the advisors investing consumer’s funds. Therefore, financial advisors help consumers maximize on the income from their invested funds (Koch Shenoy 1999, p. 91). However, in some unexpected business environments, consumers do make losses and even lose their invested funds. And this calls for an authority that regulates and monitors activities in the financial markets. The Retail Distribution Review The Retail Distribution review was established with the view of helping consumers realize profitability on their investments. The body is vital as it establishes the resilient, effective and attractive investment options that consumers can have confidence in and invest. The body advises consumers on investment and retirement planning. The Financial Services Authority The financial servic es authority is an important body in the financial market as it helps in regulating all organizations that provide financial advice to investors. The body was designed with the aim of regulating the market through setting up of guidelines to be observed by all organizations providing advice to investors.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Investment Management in Modern Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The body has the authority and power to formulate policies as well as implementing them. This means that it can as well force organizations to abide by the formulated regulations. According to Frank and Reilly (2011, p. 106), these bodies are necessary in the financial industry as they help in instilling confidence in the investors so that they can continue investing. Lack of confidence and trust in the market could lead to financial issues in various firms with spillovers affecting the entire economy. Th erefore, it is important that investors are not scared so that the stability of operations in the market can be maintained. In a surveys conducted by Thomas and Robinson (2008, p. 79), it was established that investors are rational and could also be grouped into risk averse investors and safe investors that invest in safe companies. All these types of investors rely on availability of information regarding the various companies they wish to invest in. the information is availed by various intermediaries such as the financial services authority and financial advisors (George Frankfurter 2003, p. 61). Methodology This study will involve utilization of qualitative research method, which will require utilization of primary data collected directly from investors using questionnaires. Qualitative method was selected for the study because it will help the researcher understand the behavior of investors regarding making of investment choices. Fast hand data will be collected using question naires form a selected sample of investors from the market. The questionnaires will contain likert scale questionnaires, open and closed ended questions regarding the source of information for investors and the factors that determine their investment decisions. In addition, interviews will be conducted on the management personnel of the FSA, IFA and the personal finance society. Expected Findings It is expected that the study will establish that all consumer are rational in their choices and will often make decisions regarding investment based on various factors.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the most important factor in most of the decisions made is the profit that an organization makes and the expected income on their investment including the dividend that they expect to earn from the investment. In order to make a decision, consumers seek for information from financial advisors and always look forward to the financial services authority to regulate the market and eliminate any form of uncertainty. List of References Frank, K Reilly, K 2011, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage Learning, Mumbai. George, M Frankfurter, B 2003, Dividend policy: theory and practice, Academic Press, New Delhi. Koch, P Shenoy, C 1999, ‘The information content of dividend and capital structure policies’, The Journal of the Financial Management Association, vol. 28, no.4, pp. 16-35. Ramaswamy, S 2004, Managing Credit Risk in a Corporate Bond Portfolio, Mumbai: Wiley. Sinha, 2003, Financial Statement Analysis, London: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Thomas, R Robinson, C 2008, International Financial Statement Analysis, Chicago, John Wiley Sons. This proposal on Investment Management in Modern Business was written and submitted by user DannyRand to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Panama Canal - History and Overview

Panama Canal - History and Overview The 48 mile-long (77 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn. History of the Panama Canal The new Panamanian government authorized French businessman Philippe Bunau-Varilla, to negotiate a treaty with the United States. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty allowed the U.S. to build the Panama Canal and provided for perpetual control of a zone five-miles wide on either side of the canal. Although the French had attempted construction of a canal in the 1880s, the Panama Canal was successfully built from 1904 to 1914. Once the canal was complete the U.S. held a swath of land running the approximately 50 miles across the isthmus of Panama. The division of the country of Panama into two parts by the U.S. territory of the Canal Zone caused tension throughout the twentieth century. Additionally, the self-contained Canal Zone (the official name for the U.S. territory in Panama) contributed little to the Panamanian economy. The residents of the Canal Zone were primarily U.S. citizens and West Indians who worked in the Zone and on the canal. Anger flared in the 1960s and led to anti-American riots. The U.S. and Panamanian governments began to work together to solve the territorial issue. In 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed a treaty which agreed to return 60% of the Canal Zone to Panama in 1979. The canal and remaining territory, known as the Canal Area, was returned to Panama at noon (local Panama time) on December 31, 1999. Additionally, from 1979 to 1999, a bi-national transitional Panama Canal Commission ran the canal, with an American leader for the first decade and a Panamanian administrator for the second. The transition at the end of 1999 was very smooth, for over 90% of the canal employees were Panamanian by 1996. The 1977 treaty established the canal as a neutral international waterway and even in times of war any vessel is guaranteed safe passage. After the 1999 hand-over, the U.S. and Panama jointly shared duties in defending the canal. Operation of the Panama Canal It takes approximately fifteen hours to traverse the canal through its three sets of locks (about half the time is spent waiting due to traffic). Ships passing through the canal from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean actually move from the northwest to the southeast, due to the east-west orientation of the Isthmus of Panama. Panama Canal Expansion In September, 2007 work began on a $5.2 billion project to expand the Panama Canal. Expected to be complete in 2014, the Panama Canal expansion project will allow ships double the size of current Panamax to pass through the canal, dramatically increasing the amount of goods that can pass through the canal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Concept of Volunteering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Concept of Volunteering - Essay Example It is therefore a common affair for both organizations and individuals to volunteer. In another respect, volunteering is normally practiced as a way of developing skills, making fun or simply socializing. In the job market, many people are normally seen to volunteer their services in order to make contacts that might be crucial in getting a job (Falk, 2004, pp23-29). Volunteering normally involves a number of ways and can be conducted by basically everyone using their own skills or competencies. In most cases, volunteers work in the areas where they are trained. In this regard, it is common to find volunteers in medicine, education, and in the provision of emergency services. In the same way, other volunteers usually serve where their services are needed urgently such as in emergencies. Volunteering will normally take different forms in the present world. Skills-based volunteering is very common and involves improving the specialized skills of individuals and organizations in improvi ng the infrastructure of nonprofits (Field, 2003, pp.78-85). It is basically different from the traditional volunteering which does not really require the use of specialized skills. Volunteering is also quite common in the developing countries whereby needy communities are assisted on various ways in improving their welfare. The third world is a good destination for most volunteers who usually work in the schools, orphanages and other resource centers where they provide some of the basic services needed by the communities. In this regard, volunteering is presently viewed as a form of international community service involving various developmental activities geared towards the needy societies across the world (Matheson, 2004, pp.28). In a world where environmental conservation has become one of the core concerns, much voluntary work is presently targeted towards managing and conserving the environment. Many volunteers are therefore involved in a wide range of activities targeted at e cological restoration, environmental monitoring and other activities geared towards the environment (Maslow, 1970). Voluntary work normally plays major role in addressing some of the common emergencies and situations realized across the world. For instance most of the recovery efforts normally require a lot of labour and personnel which is very difficult to realize. In this regard, voluntary work plays a major role. Disasters such as floods and earthquakes are therefore better addressed through voluntary efforts across the world. There are many non-governmental organizations which are involved in voluntary work and conduct their activities across the world. Most of these non-governmental agencies work in collaboration with government agencies and other UN aid agencies (Halpern, 2004. pp123). The concept of corporate volunteering is very popular with most successful companies across the world. In this case, the companies normally allow their employees to conduct voluntary activities during work hours. Most of these activities are part of the corporate social responsibility programs which are part and parcel of the activities of the organization (Bridge, Murtagh, & O’Neill, 2009. pp 85).  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


FINANCIAL REPORTING & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING - Case Study Example From there, they gained a contract from IBM and in 1985, they both partnered in the development of the OS/2 operating system. That same year, her first retail version of Microsoft Windows came out and in 1986 they went public with an initial price of $21 per share, closing the day in $28. Today, Microsoft Corporation stands as the worldwide leader in software, services and varied ideas and solutions that helps not only businesses but broadens and makes knowledge easier. They have as their registered trademarks today, MS-DOS, .NET, office XP, 2007 office system, windows server, and windows versions like, 3.0, 95, 98, 2000, XP and Vista. As of August 2007, the corporation had a total real estate portfolio of 24,166,129square feet (in 565 sites) of which 13,918,070 were leased (in 482 sites) and 10,248,059 were owned (in 83 sites). Microsoft had a higher profit margin in 2003 which witnessed a sharp drop in 2004. This went up again in 2005 but after that period, it has been dropping yearly. However her return on assets which also dropped in 2004 is increasing from 2005 on a yearly basis. But, the increase on Microsoft's return on equity after her drop from 2003/2004 is very great. Her basic earning power too has improved greatly. The receivable turnover of Microsoft has been somewhat reducing which denotes the fact that she gives out more free ride to its customers. This turnover should increase and thus an increase in physical cash. This poor receivable turnover is also realized when we take a proper look into the day's sales outstanding. It's on the increase which is not good for the corporation. Inventory turnover too is dropping which is bad whereas both fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover are slightly increasing. In all, Microsoft is not managing her assets properly and greater care must be placed on this issue. Exhibit A-2: Asset Utilization Ratios Asset Management 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Receivable Turnover 6.19 6.25 5.54 4.75 4.51 DSO 58.92 58.36 65.87 76.79 80.95 Inventory Turnover 50.29 87.49 81.03 29.96 45.36 FA Turnover 1.56 1.69 1.80 2.15 2.22 TFA Turnover 0.40 0.40 0.56 0.64 0.81 Liquidity Any company's liquidity position is determined by comparing assets to liabilities; current liquidity considers current assets and current liabilities only. The Quick Ratio is similar to Current except that it carves out inventories. Microsoft has a very bad liquidity situation when we look on the two tests and this denotes the fact that, they have a weaker position to handle short-term obligations. Exhibit A-3: Liquidity Ratios Liquidity 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Current Ratio 4.22 4.71 2.89 2.18 1.69 Acid Test/ Quick ratio 4.17 4.69 2.86 2.12 1.64 Debt Utilization Having her debt ratio together with her times interest earned going up denotes the fact that this corporation is very risky as the years go by. But, as they carry more debt, they have a better coverage of debt as their EBITDA coverage reduces, thus their interest payments are well

Monday, November 18, 2019

Develop understanding of learning and teaching mathematics Essay - 1

Develop understanding of learning and teaching mathematics - Essay Example Scaffolding in education teaching refers to the process by which the instructor segregates the learning into chunks ant then provide the practitioners with a tool or a structure, for every chunk created. The use of scaffolding as a strategy in learning has demonstrated a number of strength and power in enhancing understanding by the learners. In the mathematics filed scaffolding has gotten powerful in showing and telling, by enhancing knowledge absorption and understanding through seeing and modeling (James and Wilson, 2002). It has gotten a lot of strengths by tapping into prior knowledge. In this case, the mathematical course instructor asks the students to avail their own experiences to each other, hunches and ideas concerning the concept and content of the study. They are therefore asked to illustrate how the particular concept of study has either direct or indirect relation to their life experiences as well as their day to day life activities. Through this, the practitioners get in a position to make a lot of connections in mathematics study as well as increasing their capability of grasping the arithmetic concepts on their own. Scaffolding has demonstrated a lot of power and strength giving the practitioners time to talk. This is due to the fact that in a mathematics lessons, all the practitioners need time to undertake the processing of new arithmetic ideas and information. As a teaching strategy it has emerged more effective in providing the room for learners to verbally create sense of as well as articulating their learning with other mathematical learners. As a structured strategy, it is more effective since it works best with practitioners despite their differing levels of maturation. The use of scaffold strategy in teaching has demonstrated a lot of strength when it comes provision of pre-tech vocabulary. Pre-tech vocabulary is at times referred to as frontloading vocabulary, involving administering of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sociological Perspective: Westboro Baptist Church

Sociological Perspective: Westboro Baptist Church Kyle Mahoney A counterculture is a subculture that rejects the major values, norms, and practices of the larger society, replacing them with a new set of cultural patterns (Thomas); the Westboro Baptist Church is an example of a counterculture due to its rejection of societal norms such as respect for the dead and acceptance of others, especially LGBT people, Jewish people, other Christian people, and African-Americans and black people in general. Their messages of extreme hatred for minorities, Jewish people, and those who do not share the same beliefs as them as well as their extremely aggressive use of media attention to further their hateful agenda, show that they are rebelling against norms, major values, and practices of the larger society, namely respect for others and an inclusive, caring attitude towards minorities. By using media attention and publicity, they are actively and aggressively trying to spread their hateful message and make others feel the same way they do about minorities, other religions, and the LGBT community. In the BBC documentary The Most Hated Family in America, one of the leaders of the group said that the Westboro Baptist Church was not in the process of attempting to convert sinners or grow their church, and that their real purpose was to provoke people and spread the hatred of God, to make people sympathize with the hatred that the Westboro Baptist Church shows. This leader then proceeds to talk about how the churchs goal is to plant the seeds of Gods hatred in the hearts and minds of others (OConnor). Pastor Fred Phelps, after dropping out of West Point and graduating with a ministerial degree from Jones College, began serving as Westboro Baptist Churchs pastor in 1955, and he and his family are the leaders of the church and its actions (Westboro Baptist Church). In 1967 the Westboro Baptist Church became not-for-profit. The group became fairly active in picketing, releasing statements regarding homosexuality and other things they viewed as sins, and anti-semitism in the 1990s onward. The majority of the Churchs membership is constituted of its founder Fred Phelps family. The first time the church truly gained media attention was in 1998, when Westboro picketed the funeral of a gay murder victim named Matthew Shephard. The group had signs saying God hates fags, among other extremely derogatory statements (Anti-Defamation League). The group also attempted to build a granite monument to Shephard, with his name and an anti-gay bible verse on it; their request to build this monument i n a public park was denied (Southern Poverty Law Center). The group truly came into the public spotlight in 2005, when they began to actively picket and protest deceased soldiers funerals, toting signs saying Thank God for dead soldiers and Thank God for IEDs, which brought them national attention from the media (Anti-Defamation League). In March 2006, the Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of Matthew Snyder, who had served in Iraq. Albert Snyder, Matthews father, sued the Westboro Baptist Church for defamation, invasion of privacy, and emotional distress. The case eventually came before the Supreme Court of the United States in 2010 (Southern Poverty Law Center). The Supreme Court of the United States held that the Westboro Baptist Church was within their First Amendment rights while protesting and picketing funerals, and that their hateful speech was protected by their First Amendment rights as well (Snyder v. Phelps ET AL. ). Westboro Baptist Church remains active to th is day, and according to their website they have conducted 59,091 pickets as of this writing (Westboro Baptist Church). The group has also been banned from certain countries after threatening to picket funerals, namely the United Kingdom and Canada (Southern Poverty Law Center). The group is significant in the fact that they receive large amounts of media attention and that they are known for protecting their right to free speech in court, and the group actively challenges laws protecting the United States flag from desecration (Anti-Defamation League). Their ideology is an extremist Christian view that manifests itself as hatred towards basically all groups save the Westboro Baptist Church; focusing on minority groups and military. The sociological perspective is defined as being able to look beyond commonly held beliefs to see the bigger picture and the true meanings behind human actions (Thomas 4-5). A major driver of the Westboro Baptist Church is the fact that almost all of its key members are related, and that the children raised in the church are essentially brainwashed into thinking that they are right and all other groups or opinions are wrong. The group seems to simply spew hatred, but they truly believe that by spreading hateful ideas they are spreading the word of God to everyone (TED). The sociological imagination is defined as being able to see the connection between the larger world and ones personal life (Thomas 4-5 ). This group has affected the world by spreading hateful ideas, and act as a force that the greater culture rallies against, due to the Westboro Baptist Churchs disregard of mores like respecting the dead, the United States flag, and soldiers. Legally, this group is significant for p roving on the Supreme Court level that their picketing is legal and protected by the first Amendment (Snyder v. Phelps ET AL. ), along with their challenging of laws that protect the flag from desecration, and the group raises questions about the limits of first Amendment rights. Ethnocentrism is defined as viewing ones own culture or group as superior to another culture or group (Thomas 35), and by viewing American culture as superior it is easy to see why the Westboro Baptist Church is seen as a counterculture. The American people value diversity, it is often stressed in our society that it is good to be different or that everyone is unique; the Westboro Baptist Church rebels against this value in diversity, stating that other groups are inherently inferior as designed by God, and that these inferior groups deserve to die and burn in hell (Westboro Baptist Church). American culture also values the flag, which Westboro Baptist Church is known for desecrating and overturning laws protecting the flag. Most of all American culture values veterans, active duty soldiers, and the deceased, which Westboro Baptist Church actively pickets with signs reading Thank God for IEDs among other travesties (Westboro Baptist Church), showing that they are rebelling against ma jor mores that are valued by American culture. The groupss supremacist attitude, along with their hatred of homosexuals, the Jewish, and blacks, define them as a counterculture which rebels against the mores regarding diversity and freedom for all. Their hatred for soldiers and even the practice of funerals only serves to further prove they are a counterculture; by picketing funerals of soldiers the group is rebelling against major values and mores of society (Anti-Defamation League). Cultural relativism is defined as judging a culture by their own standards rather than imposing another cultures standards on a culture (Thomas 36). By applying cultural relativism to the Westboro Baptist Church, it is easy to see that the groupss member believe they are justified, and that what they are doing may be hateful, but it is hateful because God wants the group to spread hate. The group views itself as the only real religion that God will recognize, and views all other groups, even fellow Christians, as sinners destined for hell. The group feels that it is justified in its hatred of homosexuality because homosexuality is seen as a sin in the bible (Westboro Baptist Church). The group pickets funerals because they believe that funerals are where people will be most receptive to their ideas, and the group pickets soldiers funerals more often because they believe that the military is sinful and that the military is protecting the rights of homosexuals (Westboro Baptist Church) . The group is so invested in what they believe to be Gods divine mission for them that they do not care if they receive hate in return, and they believe that they are justified in disregarding major values, practices, and norms of society. Personally, as someone who was raised with a Protestant church background, as well as someone possessing black, Jewish, veteran, Catholic, and homosexual family members, I abhor and reject the practices of the Westboro Church; I see their actions as extremely disrespectful and devoid of anything that God would support, as the bible speaks more about inclusivity and loving sinners than spreading hatred. Although by taking a culturally relative view of the groups actions, I believe they are too extreme in showing that homosexuality is a sin, and as someone who no longer identifies as Christian I believe that people should be allowed to love who they want regardless of gender. I am not by any means a theologian or an ardent Christian, but I still believe that the Westboro Baptist Churchs extremist views, although protected by the first Amendment, are to be abhorred. I also strongly believe that the dead, especially those who died in active duty, should be held to the highest levels of r espect and honor, and I believe that the greater American culture is in concurrence with me in this belief. Westboro Baptist Church is important to the world because it has a global impact and brings issues regarding free speech and how far extension of free speech goes, and I hope that in the future the Westboro Baptist Church will never come to represent the majority opinion of Americans, because their hatred of others is disgusting. I believe that taking a certain degree of ethnocentrism is necessary when dealing with the Westboro Baptist Church because their ideals are so hateful that they can bring out hatred in others, and ethnocentrism acts as a barrier to stop their hatred from spreading. To conclude, Westboro Baptist Churchs extremist Christian views are so opposite to the major mores of American society that it makes them a counterculture, and the Westboro Baptist Church is an extremely hateful group that hopefully will not stand the test of time. References The Most Hated Family in America. Dir. Geoffrey OConnor. Perf. Louis Theroux. 2007. Documentary. Anti-Defamation League. Westboro Baptist Church. n.d. Archived Website. 10 March 2017. Snyder v. Phelps ET AL. . No. 09-751. Supreme Court of the United States. 6 October 2010. Court Case. Southern Poverty Law Center. SPL Center. n.d. Website. 7 March 2017. TED. I Grew Up in the Westboro Baptist Church. This is why I left. February 2017. Video. Thomas, W Laverne. Sociology- The Study of Human Relationships. Austin: Holt,Rinehart, Winston, 2003. 39, 4-5, 35, 36. Textbook. Westboro Baptist Church. God Hates Fags. n.d. Website. 10 March 2017.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums Essay -- John Steinbeck The Chrysa

In John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums, the reader is introduced to the seemingly timid and shy Elisa Allen. Elisa is routinely planting her yearly sets of Chrysanthemums, which appear to be the sole receptor of her caring and gentle touch, but all the while it is evident that â€Å"the chrysanthemum stems seemed too small and easy for her energy.† Her hidden eagerness seems not only out of place, but out of touch with her dry and wilted surroundings, of which her husband, Henry, abruptly interrupts her steady pace. Inquiring of dinner plans, he is quickly shuttered  out, so that Elisa can continue her work in the fenced in flower bed. This seems to be the only place on the ranch that belongs to her, and thus devoting the entirety of her time, and consideration, towards this lonely sandy square.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It isn’t long before another interruption comes cluttering up to country road toward the Allen Ranch. This time it comes in the form of a worn wagon, drawn by two mismatched horses, and a large rugged man sitting behind the reins. Elisa appears to be somewhat static as she introduces herself to the peddler, making it known that he is drawing her away from her duties. But the peddler, who is just trying to find something to fix-up for money, sparks a vigor in Elisa, and she suddenly gains interest in everything he says, as benign as it may be. This peddler, who merely altered Elisa’s routine, has immediately altered her life. The change in routine is the first in many years for her...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Emotional and Psychological Effects of Cancer

Writing 1010 Final Research Paper April 26, 2012 Emotional and Psychological Effects of Cancer Nearly 11,958,000 people were living with cancer in the U. S. in the year of 2008. (â€Å"Cancer Prevalence: How Many People Have Cancer? †). It is the second-leading cause of death in the United States. Cancer is â€Å"characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. †(Mayo Clinic Staff) It is caused by a simple DNA mutation that causes the body to create a cancerous cell.It causes many physical complications including: pain, fatigue, difficult breathing, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and difficult immune reactions known as paraneoplastic syndromes. The effects of cancer are not only physiological but also psychological and emotional. Cancer causes a number of psychological effects such as: stress, constant fatigue, depression, withdrawal, fear, and anger. When a patient is diagn osed with cancer, their reaction may vary depending on a number of factors such as the type and severity or stage of the cancer, and simply the patient’s personality.In most cases, patients first experience shock or denial once they have heard the harsh news. This is followed, a few days or weeks later, by sadness and depression. Later on they will experience withdrawal, uncontrollable fear of what is to come, anger, and guilt. (â€Å"Coping and Support. Emotional Effects of Cancer. †) Some patients feel they have become lost and isolated from the world. For when they are undergoing treatments, they may be physically isolated for periods of time and must wear protective gear to simply exit their sterile room. Permitting contact with anyone or anything that is not necessary for treatment.Dying of Breast Cancer in the 1800sThis is an incredibly emotional taxing time for the patients, for this is the time that contact with family, friends, and the outside world are import ant for a person’s emotional well-being. Extreme stress is always an effect on a patient, their family, and their friends due to the many complications outside of the patient’s physical complications. This includes job concerns, financial instability, and what will happen to the family if the patient passes away. (Julia Beirut) Because cancer has affected so many people around the globe, it has become easier to find ways to cope with cancer than ever before.Many websites, books, support groups, therapist specialties, and therapies have been created to help everyone affected by cancer to find coping skills that work best for them. Many people have suggested that patients and family members let out the bad feelings so that they may more fully enjoy the positive aspects of the situation. It is also important to stay connected with family, friend, and the community through social networks, visits, and participating in community activities such as yoga classes, swimming, bo ok clubs, and religious activities.It is also important to keep a positive attitude as much as possible without keeping the bad emotions balled up inside and pretending not to care. It is healthy to make peace with the unknown, or accepting that they do not know what will happen or if they will recover or not. This is said to be one of the hardest coping mechanisms, but also one of the most important. It is extremely important to seek professional care for psychological and emotional effects. Rarely can one deal with the pain and stress of cancer on their own and in their own way.Refusing to receive guidance from a professional therapist is like refusing to go skydiving for the first time with a professional skydiver. (National Bone Marrow Transplant Link) Joey Call is a survivor of stage 3 leukemia as of this year. He was diagnosed in the fall of 2010, at the age of 24. He was treated with chemotherapy and radiation frequently and felt the effects immediately. After starting treatm ent he noticed a change in his personality as well as his body. He explains,† I felt like I was in a fog for the first few months. Like my mind and emotions just turned themselves off.Then once I could really understand that I had cancer, I just exploded. I didn’t know how to handle it. It was too much to take in. I was like a baby. I cried for days! † Joey continues to explain that after the depression and denial, he started to become so stressed. â€Å"The doctor said that I won’t be able to have kids after the chemo. It made me even more scared and stressed out. How was my wife going to take this? I can’t even give her a family the normal way. We have to do ________ for the rest of our lives. That was the most stressful thing of the whole thing. † He and his wife also went through tough financial losses.Without Joey working and his wife still in college, they were struggling to pay their bills. When joey was younger, he was in prison. He wa s exposed to contaminated drug needles and other devices that had many diseases and viruses on them. He used his friend’s needle once, and that one harmless choice would later help give him not only leukemia, but also hepatitis B. Because of this one time action, he would later feel extreme guilt and regret, for he knew that that one â€Å"fix† was a huge factor into giving him great health problems later in life. â€Å"It was so not worth it,† he claims.Even though Joey is cancer free, he is still struggling with depression, fear or returning cancer, and extreme stress. (Joey Call) Even though cancer is extremely hard on the body, mind, and soul; happiness can be achieved. It may seem too difficult to handle, but many survive and go onto living happy and successful lives. With the help of professionals and the support of doctors, family, and friends, survival is possible. Works Cited Beirut, Julia. â€Å"Mental Effects of Breast Cancer. † [Online]http:// www. livestrong. com/article/78853-mental-effects-breast-cancer/ February 2,2010 Call, Joey.Interview. Salt Lake City, Utah: April 21, 2012. â€Å"Cancer Prevalence: How Many People Have Cancer? † [Online] http://www. cancer. org/Cancer/CancerBasics/cancer-prevalence October 10, 2011 â€Å"Coping and Support. Emotional Effects of Cancer. † [Online] http://www. leukemiabmtprogram. org/patients_and_family/coping_and_support/emot onal_effects_of_cancer/your_emotions. html 2011 Mayo Clinic Staff. â€Å"Cancer† [Online] http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/cancer/DS01076 May 8, 2010 National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. †Survivorship Guide for Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant† [Online] Emotional and Psychological Effects of Cancer Writing 1010 Final Research Paper April 26, 2012 Emotional and Psychological Effects of Cancer Nearly 11,958,000 people were living with cancer in the U. S. in the year of 2008. (â€Å"Cancer Prevalence: How Many People Have Cancer? †). It is the second-leading cause of death in the United States. Cancer is â€Å"characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. †(Mayo Clinic Staff) It is caused by a simple DNA mutation that causes the body to create a cancerous cell.It causes many physical complications including: pain, fatigue, difficult breathing, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and difficult immune reactions known as paraneoplastic syndromes. The effects of cancer are not only physiological but also psychological and emotional. Cancer causes a number of psychological effects such as: stress, constant fatigue, depression, withdrawal, fear, and anger. When a patient is diagn osed with cancer, their reaction may vary depending on a number of factors such as the type and severity or stage of the cancer, and simply the patient’s personality.In most cases, patients first experience shock or denial once they have heard the harsh news. This is followed, a few days or weeks later, by sadness and depression. Later on they will experience withdrawal, uncontrollable fear of what is to come, anger, and guilt. (â€Å"Coping and Support. Emotional Effects of Cancer. †) Some patients feel they have become lost and isolated from the world. For when they are undergoing treatments, they may be physically isolated for periods of time and must wear protective gear to simply exit their sterile room. Permitting contact with anyone or anything that is not necessary for treatment.Dying of Breast Cancer in the 1800sThis is an incredibly emotional taxing time for the patients, for this is the time that contact with family, friends, and the outside world are import ant for a person’s emotional well-being. Extreme stress is always an effect on a patient, their family, and their friends due to the many complications outside of the patient’s physical complications. This includes job concerns, financial instability, and what will happen to the family if the patient passes away. (Julia Beirut) Because cancer has affected so many people around the globe, it has become easier to find ways to cope with cancer than ever before.Many websites, books, support groups, therapist specialties, and therapies have been created to help everyone affected by cancer to find coping skills that work best for them. Many people have suggested that patients and family members let out the bad feelings so that they may more fully enjoy the positive aspects of the situation. It is also important to stay connected with family, friend, and the community through social networks, visits, and participating in community activities such as yoga classes, swimming, bo ok clubs, and religious activities.It is also important to keep a positive attitude as much as possible without keeping the bad emotions balled up inside and pretending not to care. It is healthy to make peace with the unknown, or accepting that they do not know what will happen or if they will recover or not. This is said to be one of the hardest coping mechanisms, but also one of the most important. It is extremely important to seek professional care for psychological and emotional effects. Rarely can one deal with the pain and stress of cancer on their own and in their own way.Refusing to receive guidance from a professional therapist is like refusing to go skydiving for the first time with a professional skydiver. (National Bone Marrow Transplant Link) Joey Call is a survivor of stage 3 leukemia as of this year. He was diagnosed in the fall of 2010, at the age of 24. He was treated with chemotherapy and radiation frequently and felt the effects immediately. After starting treatm ent he noticed a change in his personality as well as his body. He explains,† I felt like I was in a fog for the first few months. Like my mind and emotions just turned themselves off.Then once I could really understand that I had cancer, I just exploded. I didn’t know how to handle it. It was too much to take in. I was like a baby. I cried for days! † Joey continues to explain that after the depression and denial, he started to become so stressed. â€Å"The doctor said that I won’t be able to have kids after the chemo. It made me even more scared and stressed out. How was my wife going to take this? I can’t even give her a family the normal way. We have to do ________ for the rest of our lives. That was the most stressful thing of the whole thing. † He and his wife also went through tough financial losses.Without Joey working and his wife still in college, they were struggling to pay their bills. When joey was younger, he was in prison. He wa s exposed to contaminated drug needles and other devices that had many diseases and viruses on them. He used his friend’s needle once, and that one harmless choice would later help give him not only leukemia, but also hepatitis B. Because of this one time action, he would later feel extreme guilt and regret, for he knew that that one â€Å"fix† was a huge factor into giving him great health problems later in life. â€Å"It was so not worth it,† he claims.Even though Joey is cancer free, he is still struggling with depression, fear or returning cancer, and extreme stress. (Joey Call) Even though cancer is extremely hard on the body, mind, and soul; happiness can be achieved. It may seem too difficult to handle, but many survive and go onto living happy and successful lives. With the help of professionals and the support of doctors, family, and friends, survival is possible. Works Cited Beirut, Julia. â€Å"Mental Effects of Breast Cancer. † [Online]http:// www. livestrong. com/article/78853-mental-effects-breast-cancer/ February 2,2010 Call, Joey.Interview. Salt Lake City, Utah: April 21, 2012. â€Å"Cancer Prevalence: How Many People Have Cancer? † [Online] http://www. cancer. org/Cancer/CancerBasics/cancer-prevalence October 10, 2011 â€Å"Coping and Support. Emotional Effects of Cancer. † [Online] http://www. leukemiabmtprogram. org/patients_and_family/coping_and_support/emot onal_effects_of_cancer/your_emotions. html 2011 Mayo Clinic Staff. â€Å"Cancer† [Online] http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/cancer/DS01076 May 8, 2010 National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. †Survivorship Guide for Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant† [Online]

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hume and Epicurus †Philosophy Essay

Hume and Epicurus – Philosophy Essay Free Online Research Papers Hume and Epicurus Philosophy Essay How often have we looked at the night sky and wondered at the splendor of the stars and planets glowing at us? How often do we see the majesty of the flowers or hear the beating of our heart and, overwhelmed by the sheer magnificence of the order and beauty, feel the presence of a Supreme Creator? So goes the design argument- it proclaims that because of the order and brilliance of the universe, it follows that there must be a rational, intelligent creator. Hume, in his work An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, actually responds to the argument in a unique way. In fact, he does not criticize the argument itself, but sets it aside and goes about a criticism of the consequences of the reasoning by which those who accept the design case infer morality and all manner of characteristics about God that cannot be seen directly from nature. The cosmos is a wondrous place. One only has to look at the planets and their circular orbits to conclude, at least in our definition, that we have quite an ordered universe around us. And thus since the recorded beginnings of man’s history it has been. However, because of skeptics who do not see God in the creations of the world, quite a bit of religious philosophy has been written inferring the existence of a god; not only a god, however, but the God we know and are familiar with, that Great Existence that rewards virtue and punishes vice. In Hume’s philosophy, although he admits a god could feasibly be inferred from the marvels of the natural world, he rejects any additional inferences about God that do not relate to the effects of the natural world itself. Epicurus was a philosopher in Athens who headed a movement called Epicureanism. This school of thought believed the highest goal in life was pleasure and the absence of pain, although pleasure of the mind was preferable to pleasure of the body. Their theology was quite passive, and though most Epicureans admitted to the existence of gods, the deities did not concern themselves with human affairs. Additionally, they were not involved in the natural phenomena, which could be completely explained by science- a philosophy derived from Democritus’ theory of the atom. In Hume’s An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, he takes the place of Epicurus in philosophical defense. He feigns the position against the Athenians, who, during the time of Epicurus, denounced his philosophy. Hume’s central argument concerns the various roles of cause and effect. One can often infer cause from an effect, he says. For example, he even uses the design argument and admits that the first half can be correct; in other words, it could indeed follow that there is a creator from the wonders of the natural world. However, one cannot then, from that cause, conclude that there are many more effects that cannot be seen from the natural world itself. The design argument, fails then- at least that part that concludes that the God of Christianity or Jupiter, or any other specific god exists and has all the benevolent and just characteristics that are often attributed to him. Hume uses the example of the Greek artist Zeuxis, who was an excellent painter. You cannot simply look at Zeuxis’ paintings and also know that he was a great sculptor, just as you cannot look at God’s creations and know that he is a just being, or that he has a spirit or that he rewards virtue a nd punishes vice. The only thing you can know is that He has the power to create a tree, or an ocean, or a planet or whatever you see ordered and evidently from Him. Thus, having a fervent religious belief in God based on reason is impossible and absurd, according to Hume. We can see an unfinished building with the tools of building all around it, and be quite certain that someone either is going to come around to finish it, or that somehow the unfinished building was held up in manufacture. However, we can infer all these things because we are basing on the actions of humans, with which we are quite familiar. Knowledge about God, who we cannot see or have no real familiarity with, cannot be inferred in the same way. Nowhere in his dialogue does Hume condemn religion itself. He does not deny God or the existence of morals and the importance of virtue and excellence. However, he is quite skillful at showing that our reason is limited. He shows that we must start from what we know and admit as only hypothesis anything from our belief in God that we do not know for certain and cannot conclude from the amazing magnificence around us. Research Papers on Hume and Epicurus - Philosophy EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMind TravelGenetic EngineeringAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementCapital PunishmentRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThree Concepts of PsychodynamicCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace Free Online Research Papers In the workforce environment cultural diversity is a frequent problem, often employees are discriminated against or misunderstood because of their diverse appearance. We each belong to an entire collection of cultures different shared values, beliefs, and attitudes. Our own actions influence the way we characterize the actions of others. It is not easy to understand people from different cultures. In forming an opinion of other cultures, we have a tendency to make assumptions and generalizations which can get in the way of common sense. More often than not the technical language is understood, but other elements of communication are overlooked. Most of all communication is nonverbal. As much as 90% of your communication is done without words. Gestures, facial expressions, and posture provide information about a persons emotions and relationships with others (University of Northern Iowa, n.d.). Nonverbal communication is used more than verbal communication. The majority of people identify others by first appearances without communicating. It is easy to misunderstand another cultures expression of respect or affection. When you encounter someone new, the expectation of the other person perhaps is a nod of the head, a handshake, or a hug. How is a person to know? To have a successful business environment it is essential to have excellent communication. â€Å"There is no better way to build trust than through communication† (Hayhoe Grady, 2008, p.40). Eight years ago while working for a financial institution, I had a miscommunication with a coworker. Keiko was who is originally from Tokyo and worked as a finance officer for the local branch. Although Keiko has been in the United States for several years she still had a very heavy Asian accent and was incapable of forming proper grammar, but she was an excellent worker and expert at loans. If someone could not comprehend what she said they would then ask her to say it again and she would without a problem. Well a client came in one day and asked for her because he had a question a loan for their business. I went ahead and called her over for the client to ask her a question in reference to his business loan. The client did not comprehend what she was saying and Keiko did not unders tand what the needs of the client were. After explaining for the third time what he wanted the client became aggravated. A bit frustrated the client exasperatingly stated, â€Å"I cannot comprehend why businesses hire people that who do not speak English. Don’t they know that they work and live in America and need to speak English! If we lived in their country we would have to learn their language.† To make matters worse, I expressed my regret to the client and told him that I would talk with the loan manager to make sure that his work with our manager and make sure that his demands were taken care. After the client left the branch, Keiko began to cry and blamed me for what had occurred. I became a little offended and did not comprehend what was happening, I was taken aback. My thoughts were what did I do and why was she upset with me? I thought I was doing her a favor by getting the client away from her. This one example of why it is important to have Intercultu ral Communication in the workplace. I did not think there was anything wrong with what I did think what I did was wrong; on the other hand, evidently that is not what Keiko believed. When I talked with the loan manager and explained to her what took place, I realized that Keiko was sadden because I did not support her when the client made those malicious comments about her and she also thought I should have explained the issues the client had to her myself. I learned from her that day some Asian cultures. She explained to me that in China, Japan, and other Asian cultures it is imperative to avoid causing your counterpart to lose face. In Asian cultures to raise your voice or shout at a person in public, or to correct them in front of their peers will cause them to lose face (Berman, 2003). I made an apology to Keiko and let her know I was trying to be helpful and that I meant no disrespect. One of the crucial points to effective intercultural communication is knowledge. It is extremely vital that people recognize the problems of intercultural communication and make an effort to overcome these problems when there is a culturally diverse workforce. A large number of people make the assumption that cultural diversity is the cause of communication issues. Employers should be willing to be open-minded and forgiving, rather than threatening and aggressive, if issues arise. One should be cautious in intercultural interactions and come to any assumption of how a person feels or what person thinking. One of the main points to intercultural communication is Reflective Listening. Reflective Listening is used to analysis what someone is saying by reiterate what you think you heard. This helps in validating what was heard is accurately understood (Vuckovic, 2008). Reflective Listening is also helpful because there are many words and gestures that are used in different ways among languages or cultural groups. Some organizations frequently use mediators that are familiar with different cultures. This can be very helpful in intercultural communication situations. Mediators help in translating both the words and gestures. For example, what would be considered inappropriate in one culture can be discussed and changed, so it does not offend before they are shared with culture. Americans are quick to reference or direct to the issues. Other cultures like to set up relationships before any business is discussed. If a relationship is not made before discussions on business are started there is no trust in the person that is speaking. A mediator that recognizes the issue can help in making appropriate adjustments to the procedures. Organization need to be knowledgeable about managing a diverse culture. It is vital for an organization to succeed in global arena. The responsibility of a diverse culture influences talent management policies and procedures in the workplace. One talent continues to motivate others; demonstrate the ability to effectually communicate with clients, coworkers, and management. If there are no effective communication skills the workplace suffers. ? References University of Northern Iowa. (n.d.). Non-Verbal Communication. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from Hayhoe, George F., Grady, Helem. (2008). Connecting People with Technology: Issues in Professional Communication . Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company . Vuckovic, Aleksandra. (2008). Inter-cultural communication: a foundation of communicative action. , 2(1), 47 59. doi: 10.1108/17504970810867151. Research Papers on Intercultural Communication in the WorkplaceThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenResearch Process Part One

Monday, November 4, 2019

Electronic Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Electronic Commerce - Essay Example This dissertation will overview a software architecture based on use of Web Services for dynamically binding data in Business-to-Business (B2B) software applications known as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It will carry out analysis of productivity issues for major components of Web Services that consist of four technologies in combination that provide an implementation of SOA: HTTP as the primary network protocol, SOAP/XML for the payload format, UDDI for service registry, and WSDL to describe the service interfaces. Partitioning ability directly enables the creation of application partitions. These partitions are created to enable a more targeted use of back end data, requiring less throw-away caching and improved write capacity to databases. While partitioning will not realize the claims surrounding performance and availability on its own, it is able to establish the foundation upon which these benefits are achieved. Multithreading is used to process multiple units of work asynchronously from a single Web service call. Multiple threads can be executed in parallel on many computer systems. Multithreading generally occurs by time slicing where a single processor switches between different threads, or by multiprocessing where threads are executed on separate processors. Cashing raises productiveness of computing ... Clustered Web systems are typically composed of two or more individual systems coupled together via a network. Clustering provides high-availability by moving applications between nodes (computers in the cluster) if a node fails. Asymmetric clustering has one node active and the other monitoring and waiting while symmetric clustering has all nodes active, able to take one more programs if one fails. Also suggestion for performance measure for software applications such as CRM, ERP, WMS, etc built on Service Oriented Architecture will be given. Contribution of the Project The project addresses the need for a more productive communications framework to allow any company to extend its existing legacy applications with minimal overheads that is especially important for developing countries. Service Oriented Architecture can address many of the industry failings allowing a developer to dynamically connect to Web service A and maybe later switch to Web Service C, without intervention. This work allows a Web Service to provide a more productive mechanism to connect users, vendors, and applications regardless of the technology or devices they use or their location. Based on industry standard protocols and universal vendor support that can leverage the internet for low cost communications as well as other offerings for mobile devices, allowing loosely coupled messaging, multiple connectivity and information sharing scenarios via services that are self describing and can be automatically discovered. This advancement will allow for a common uniform interface to build on their Web Services and deploy them in the UDDI registries for other companies to find them,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial part of the new project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial part of the new project - Essay Example An individual can retail companies like Wal-Mart or a financial organization. Wal-Mart is the leading retailing company. It has been rated as no.1 retailing company in United States. An individual or a firm planning to setup a store can acquire the services of Wal-Mart for the products offered by the Wal-Mart to exhibit the popular brands that comes under Wal-Mart. Instead of approaching the financial institutions like banks for funding loans the dependent can approach Wal-Mart. It can sponsor the person or firm to open store. Storeowner can get commission from Wal-Mart after the selling of the products that were displayed in the store. The commission varies depending on the store. In the current market scenario the sales of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and computer hardware and software sales touch saturate point. Unlike stores established for artifacts whose sales move at snails pace than the products like FMCG. In addition, capital required for establishing events that are outdated in the market like antiques and art related is unassumingly high. Moreover the cash involved in such a store will be at stake for a longer period and fetch very less margin or commission from Wal-Mart. The fixed assets required in establishing a store should be on par with the status of the Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wall Street Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wall Street Film - Essay Example Greed to earn more and achieve the fame and fortune forces Bud Fox and Garden Gekko to actually start to prefer self over the family and indulge into actions which may be against the law. Garden Gekko openly said that greed is good, thus, giving the impression that earning money regardless of whether it comes from ethical ways is always a good thing to do in life. The movie shows that the characters deliberately broke the law and engaged into activities which were detrimental to the interests of others. The ethical issues highlighted also indicates as to how Bud Fox was lured into doing business with Garden Gekko and over the period of time lost his innocence and concerns for the rule of law and abiding the principles laid down by SEC. As things move on, Bud Fox seems to involve his friends also in the process of making money. This has shown that instinctively, being professionals, we can bet on the money of those who supported us in difficult times; as such, our relationships may be come driven more by the money rather than the feelings of love and compassion which as individuals fee for each other in our relationships. The ethical failings of Bud and Gekko may be in their tendency to be lured away by earning more money and in that process of earning more money lose sight of what is right and what is wrong. ... Best consequences always suggest that actions should be such that they are helpful and maximize utility for most number of people. Accordingly, any action which is considered to bring more happiness or bring greatest good is considered as an ethical and moral action regardless of the actual consequences. Utilitarianism however, counts those acts as unethical which are done in a manner that can provide maximum utility to individuals and create harm for others. The notion of greatest good for the greatest number of people, therefore, prevails in utilitarianism, as well as how individual and collective actions should be driven ethically. (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell) The situation described in the movie clearly indicates that the actions of both characters are actually offering greatest happiness to them only. This limits the positive consequences of their actions to themselves only, whereas the negative consequences of their actions are spilled over to the general public. The way fi nancial institutions are managed and the kind of speculative activities are taking place indicate that financial managers may be taking bets rather than calculated risks. Taking bets without actually involving rational, prudent and conservative investment approach results into greater losses for the investors and the society as a whole. Using utilitarian approach, therefore, outlines that the characters actually engaged into activities which were speculative in nature and were detrimental to not only the financial services industry as a whole but for the society in general also. The current financial meltdown is often considered as the result of the imprudent actions

Monday, October 28, 2019

Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free

Environmental Factors Essay There are many environmental factors that affect the global and domestic marketing strategies of organizations. What is necessary is an assessment of the company’s attempts at positioning its product to meet the needs of an undisclosed market. Environmental factors always affect the domestic and international marketing performance of companies in many environments. What environmental factors do is that they shape and set targets on the entry and operational decisions of Coca Cola Limited. Established in 1886, Coca Cola owns four of the world’s top five nonalcoholic beverages, operates in over two hundred countries and serves over one point five billion consumers locally and international. The environmental factors that Coca Cola has to battle with include the level of competition, cultural attributes, consumer characteristics, political and legal concerns. These factors have an impact on both the potential local and international marketing functions of the company. One factor affecting the marketing decisions of Coca Cola is competition among alcoholic beverages. These competitive factors include pricing, advertising, production innovation and brand and trademark development and protection. Of interest to us is the fact that one of Coca Cola’s major competitors is PepsiCo. The marketing decisions of the company have to be guided strategically because it impacts on the actual sales levels of the firm. Coca Cola continues to maintain a cutting edge in the industry because it continues to uphold its hallmarked values of refresh the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value through making a difference. Cultural also has a part to play in the marketing decisions of Coca Cola. Of later, governments across the world have been placing pressure on beverage companies to regulate alcohol content because they affect consumer’s thinking. While Coca Cola does not have to fight up with this cultural implication, it may have to attend to means of re-establishing consumer loyalty. For example, Marketing Coca-Cola in China has been a long and trying road. Firstly opening bottling plants in Shanghai and Tianjin in 1927 and then a third plant opened in Qingdao in 1930, Coca had a fight gaining a solid marketing lead. After a 30-year absence from the country, The Coca-Cola Company re-entered China in 1979, following the re-establishment of relations between China and the United States. Coca-Cola was the first American consumer product to return to China and is doing very well today. Another environmental factor affecting Coca Cola’s development of effective marketing tools and campaigns across the world is legal requirements for entry and set up. All multinational companies are forced to abide by laws requiring high tax entries although maximum profits are to be repatriated. It is Coca Cola’s policy to comply to consumer protection laws, occupational, health and safety acts, and local statues and regulations concerning advertising, transportation, distribution and food and safety laws. Additionally, Coca Cola’s principle challenge was is water resource management which in some countries is bound by legalities. In 2004, the company was forced to take a major step in reducing the potential impact of climatic damage via the use of coolers and vending machines. So that dealing with legal implications enabled Coca Cola to adapt a marketing strategy that considers its social responsibility. The end result of that was Coca Cola, partnering with the United Nations Environment Programme and Greenpeace International as a means of finding natural refrigerants. Explain how technology impacts the organizations marketing decisions. Coca Cola decisions have been affected by the impact of technology. In an interview done by a researcher, he commented that â€Å"as industry leaders it is Coca Cola’s responsibility to invest in the research and development necessary to develop economically viable and commercially available refrigeration solutions to take us toward an HFC-free, climate-friendly future. We hope that other companies will join our commitment to sustainable refrigeration. By working together, we can continue to reduce the impact of commercial equipment on the environment. † It is obvious that Inorder for Coca Cola to remain a leader in the beverage industry there was the need to re-examine its products and production processes; its packaging, design, equipment and quality assurance. Coca Cola attempts to strike a balance between the use of modern and traditional technologies depending on the marketing initiative and project location. Interestingly, with the launch of eKOfreshment, Coca Cola used more than ten different technological options to improve its environmental performance, regulatory compliance and overall price and operational costs. The end result of using technology as a point of reference for marketing is the winning of the United States Environmental Protection Agencys Climate Protection Award for their joint efforts in promoting the development of environmentally friendly commercial refrigeration technology through the creation of the refrigerants naturally coalition. So that as Coca Cola evolves with technology its marketing habits and values change to accommodate consumer characteristics and behaviours. Of great importance to Coca Cola is their social responsibility and ethical considerations of which its management has found to be a contributing factor to the development of a strong marketing campaign globally. In analyzing its importance, we must consider the company’s priority; its marketplace, workplace, environment and community. To us, this is a key side; Coca Cola has opted to have social responsibility as a sub heading to their website. In the marketplace, they take pride in quality, marketing more than 450 brands and over 2,800 beverage products, just still living up to giving our consumers a choice of still or sparking beverages that refresh, hydrate, energize or nourish. Our ethical value is that each of those products must be of the highest quality and must meet consumers changing tastes, needs and expectations. In each of the more than 200 countries where we operate, Coca Cola is an active member of the business community, working hand in hand with local individuals, merchants and governments to improve the health and prosperity of the local economy and environment. We know that the continued health and sustainable growth of our business depends on the long-term health of the communities that surround it. After all, we need healthy consumers, communities, environments and economies for our business to thrive. So we encourage human right laws in the workplace as our business ultimately depends on the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and passion make Coca Cola who it is. Wherever Coca Cola operates, it seeks to get involved in the work of communities, governmental organizations and NGOs to create and support projects most relevant to them. Marketing is a critical step in the success or failure of a company. For Coca Cola, an international company operating in years of integrity and business sense, today they have stood to repeat the rewards of their actions. Together with many other partners, this company continues to forge it way to be a continued leader in the beverage industry. Reference Blythe, Jim. (2004). Canada. Financial Times Prentice Hall.